Roof Snow Removal

Removing snow from your roof will prevent damaging ice buildup.

Snow accumulation on your roof should be avoided. Why? Accumulated snow can turn into ice dams, greatly increasing the chances of damage to your home. (See Ice Dam Removal for more information)

What is Roof Snow Removal?

  • We provide service when 4” or more snow builds up on your roof
  • 8-10 feet of snow is removed from the edge of the roof line

Benefits of Roof Snow Removal:

  • Helps prevent ice dams
  • Preserves integrity of your home’s roof and walls

Best Time for Service: Late Fall, Winter, and Early Spring

It’s snows a lot, and at all different times of the year in the Twin Cities. We are ready when the flakes start to fly!

How many applications do I need?

At Warner’s we strongly recommend removing snow from your roof as soon as there is any significant accumulation. This is the only way to avoid the formation of ice dams. (See Ice Dam Removal for more information)

Additional Services Suggestions To Complement Roof Snow Removal:


You can see an illustration of ice dam formation below:

Twin Cities Roof Snow Removal


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