Bug Spray & Extermination Services

We all tend to mix the terms “bugs,” “insects,” and “pests,” but there is actually a difference between the three. Pest is the generalized term for any living creature with an unpleasant feature, such as destroying your garden bed or invading your entryway. Hemiptera, also known as “true bugs,” is a class of insects comprised of 80,000 species and feature a straw-shaped mouth called a stylet, which allows them to suck juices from your garden beds! No matter the class of pest invading your home inside or outside, Warner’s Outdoor Solutions can handle any size job pest control job indoor or outdoor. Request a bug inspector appointment today.

MN Bug Spray Company

Our bug exterminators can eliminate all the common house bugs in Minnesota. Proper bug identification is important for us to treat and prevent bugs from coming back. If you are in need of pest control for bugs, Warner’s can send a professional bug sprayer to insect and treat your home and surrounding property. Our bug spraying services are safe for people and pets inside and outside your house. Use our online quote form to get started.

Common Bugs in Minnesota

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB)

In the spring, these tiny brown bugs love to feast on all of your garden crops, including fruits and vegetables. During the winter, they’ll climb into your windows and door frames for warm weather. They don’t bite, and they aren’t known destroyers; however, they emit a stinky odor when they sense danger. 

Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder bugs tend to invade the home for warmth and are black with red stripes along their backs. These tiny red bugs are most active in the fall.

Bed Bugs

As the name implies, these bugs like to invade warm small places such as mattresses, box springs, and couches. They bite.

Giant Water Bug

If you have a pond or lake around your home, you may need to worry about these bugs. At 2 inches long and 1 inch wide, these are the biggest bugs in Minnesota and use their size to feast on small fish, tadpoles, and snails.

Schedule Your Pest Control With Warner’s

If you aren’t sure what pest has invaded your home or property, schedule a consultation with a Warner’s bug inspector — we are a bug company too. We’re Minnesota’s bug exterminator. 

Additional Service Suggestions to Complement Bed Bug Control:

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