Professional Yard Mole Removal Services

How Moles Damage Your Lawn 

Rarely seen in daylight, moles burrow and raise molehills, damaging the roots of certain grasses and causing patches of dead grass across your lawn. They can also undermine plant roots.

Moles tunnel throughout your yard and build mounds that are shaped like miniature volcanos. If you do, in fact, have a mole infestation you will notice areas of your lawn raised about 3 inches from their tunneling.

Why Are Moles in My Yard?

For lawn mole removal in Minnesota, we recommended reducing the moles’ resources that they rely on in order to control their burrowing in your yard. Moles are constantly eating and in search of food. These critters can eat about 70%-100% of their body weight every day.

They feed on earthworms and grubs, both of which are found in your lawn. Depending on the extent of the infestation, we may recommend a grub control treatment that removes their main food source to control the moles. A well-watered and fertilized lawn presents a soft and damp environment that attracts moles, so avoid over-watering your lawn.

Are Moles a Danger to My Family?

Although moles are bad for your yard, lawn, and garden, they aren’t typically dangerous to people. Moles tunnel and create holes throughout your property, which causes the surface or your lawn to soften. Moles can create an amazing 18 feet of tunnels per hour! The result is collapsed tunnels and holes that can be a   safety hazard for small children and pets. 

Because moles spend most of their time underground, you and your family will likely never come in contact with them. That said, do not handle them; leave that to the professionals. And if you have a pet that’s a hunter, retriever, or digger, it’s more likely that your pet will find the mole before the mole finds your pet. It’s very rare that a mole will bite a human or pet.

Contact Warner’s to learn more about our ground mole removal services. 

How Can Warner’s Help Me Control Moles in My Yard?

Our yard mole removal services start with a proven application that eliminates the mole’s food source, while also providing an effective solution for preventing moles from coming back. 

Additional Service Suggestions to Complement Mole Control:


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