Twin Cities Vole Control Service For Lawns

What are My Options to Control Vole Lawn Damage? 

Voles, also known as field mice, are commonly found in Minnesota’s yards and fields, and they do more damage than you might think. They eat grass, plant roots, flower bulbs, and tree bark, and roots. After you identify your pests as voles, you can get rid of them and prevent new ones from entering and damaging your lawn. 

At Warner’s Outdoor Solutions, we provide two solutions to get rid of voles: 

  • Prevention: A proven application that keeps  voles out of your yard preventing further damage
  • Removal: Baiting, which removes existing voles

Although they have short lives and natural predators (owls, hawks, snakes, and other carnivorous hunters), Minnesota’s voles are active and prolific breeders, according to the University of Minnesota Extension. Therefore, we recommend addressing the problem as soon as you see them before they get out of control and seriously damage your lawn and plants.

Contact Warner’s to schedule a vole removal service and ask about our seasonal maintenance plans. 

Vole Identification 

There are plenty of rodents that can invade your yard and cause damage. Because of this, you’ll want to make sure you identify the problem animal in order to provide the most adequate solution. These rodents, which look a lot like mice but without ears and a shorter tail, like to eat stalks of grass. If you are unable to spot them, the easiest way to identify a vole is to look for the clear signs that a vole has been in your yard: Look for short burrows in your grass, where voles nest to protect their offspring. Grass is also a primary source of food, as you’ll learn below. To properly identify your problem call Warner’s Outdoor Solutions for a free quote. 

What Does a Vole Like to Eat?

These rodents, which look a lot like mice, but without ears and a shorter tail, like to eat stalks of grass. Voles also eat small plants but can live on almost any nut or fruit. Their healthy herbivorous diet can kill your lawn, leaving an unsightly trail in its place. Another favorite of voles is the bark on your trees and shrubs. This damage from the voles can cause a girdle effect, and possibly kill them as well. Vole damage is not good for the health of your lawn, trees, and shrubs, and it ruins the appearance with various holes and trails around the yard. Contact Warner’s for a free consultation on our vole control service.

Why Do Voles Attack My Lawn?

  • Voles are attracted to any place that has grass, which is also why they are known as “meadow mice.”
  • They also use patches of grass to store food and nest.

Are Voles a Danger to My Family?

While these animals are not directly dangerous, they do damage areas of your yard, including your trees. This damage can cause trees to fall creating a hazardous and costly environment for your property

Additional Service Suggestions to Complement Vole Control:


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