About Us

Ryan Warner - Warner's Outdoor Solutions

Ryan Warner


Patrick Koehn

Human Resources Manager

Dustin Bengtson

Senior Account Manager

Mike Chevrier

Operations Manager

Eddie Ortega

Landscaping Maintenance Manager

Brendan Hoben

Office Manager

Gabe Solberg

Senior Inside Sales

Matthias Gouin

Assistant Office Manager

Matt Daniels

Assistant Operations Manager

Shane Schuno

Senior Irrigation Technician

Joaquin Cuevas

Tree Foreman

Cal Peterson

Senior Landscape Foreman

Jake Gunderson

Irrigation Manager

Rob Phillips

Service Coordinator

Pierre Taddeini

Arborist/Senior Account Manager

Jason Keay

Landscape Sales

Our History


Warner’s Outdoor Solutions

Warner’s Outdoor Solutions, Inc. began as Warner’s Lawn Care (WLC) and was established by current owner Ryan Warner. At twelve years of age Ryan used his entrepreneurial sprit to start up his own lawn care company. Ryan obtained his customers by going door-to-door and relying on word-of-mouth advertising.



WLC was expanded to Mankato while Ryan continued his education at Mankato State University. Ryan was able to serve his original customers in the Twin Cities and new customers in Mankato.



Ryan receives his degree in Marketing and Business Administration. WLC becomes Incorporated. While continuing to operate WLC, Inc. Ryan also is working at an Information Technology Company in Mankato.


Information Technology

After working a year for someone else, Ryan makes the decision to stop working at the Information Technology Company and move back to his hometown and continue to operate WLC, Inc.


New Services Added

Warner’s Lawn Care adds services such as Holiday Lighting and Sprinkler Systems to better serve their customers.


New Name

Warner’s Lawn Care, Inc. becomes Warner’s Outdoor Solutions, Inc.


Certified Installer

Warner’s Outdoor Solutions becomes a Certified Installer with the International Concrete and Pavement Institute as well as Certified Irrigator Tech.


Certified Arborist

Ryan Warner becomes a Certified Arborist with the International Society of Arboriculture, Tree Inspector with the State of Minnesota and Certified Landscape Professional with the Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association.


New Services Added

Warner’s Outdoor Solutions adds vole/mole and quack grass control to its list of solutions. Both of these pests have been problems for many homeowners and now after much research and trials Warner’s has the solution.


Growing Team

Warner’s Outdoor Solutions adds two more employees for a total of 3 Certified Arborists to its staff. Having 3 specialists in this field has given Warners a distinct advantage over the competition.


Holiday Lighting

Warner’s Outdoor Solutions is on the front page of the Pioneer Press for its leadership in the Holiday Lighting Industry. One our experienced installers Fernando Turanzas is pictured on a ladder with his Christmas Hat on installing lights on the peak of one of our valued customers homes.


Buckthorn Busters

Ryan Warner is interviewed on local television at Carver Lake Park in Woodbury. He is asked about tree care concerns many residents have and thanked for his continual involvement with the “Buckthorn Busters” program. The “Buckthorn Busters” program is comprised of the City of Woodbury and volunteers going to parks within the city and removing buckthorn from them. Warners has participated in this program for the past 5 years.


Home and Garden Show

Warner’s Outdoor Solutions has its first booth at the Minneapolis Home and Garden Show. It was great seeing many current customers and hopefully many future ones as well.



The winter of 2011 has been one for the record books. Warner’s has quadrupled the size of it’s roof snow removal and ice daming crews to assist customers. Many customers have never had problems with their homes, but this winter found its way in. The Japanese beetle mades its way in and damaged may shrubs and trees for customers. Luckily we were able save many of them with our service, but it looks like this bug will be around for awhile.



Warners has expanded its advertising into TV. Customers were able to see Warners commercials on WCCO and KSTP. Warners was also asked to appear on ‘Twin Cities Live.’ Once again the Japanese Beetle has been causing trouble for home owners. We estimate the properties affected by the beetle have quadrupled since 2011. Warners has grown to 15 crews and 30 employees. This growth is a direct result from treating customers and employees the right way.


Snow cover

So far a very average snow season. Not a lot of snow, but enough to keep employees employed. Looks like we won’t be starting our spring services in March this year as we did in 2012. Hopefully we get some warm weather to melt the white stuff!


Building Expansion

2014 was an exciting year for Warner’s Outdoor Solutions. Our 600 sq. ft. office was very crammed so we decided to cut the roof off our warehouse and build a 2,500 sq. ft. office on top. This allowed us to keep the same yard space, but quadruple the size of our office. With the office expansion project completed, we can better service our customers and run our business more streamlined. 2014 was also another year of growth. By the end of the year, we had 21 trucks in our fleet.


Expanded Services

Warner’s has expanded its services into the Pest Control Market. We’ve always been your answer for bugs in the lawn and your trees. Now you can count on us to treat the ones inside as well as keep new ones from coming in. In addition to insects, we handle rodents, animals, birds as well. To aid in our tree care and holiday lighting services, Warner’s purchased a boom/chipper truck. Our boom reaches 60′ and allows us to reach the highest trees and peaks to service our customers.


Expanded Services

Warner’s is excited to add Lake Weed Harvesting to our list of services in 2016. We are licensed through the MN DNR and can cut weeds in your lake down to 5′ below water if you so choose. Our machine can hold up to 8 yards of material at a time which makes for less trips to the access point. From there, we offload onto our conveyor which brings the weeds into our dump truck which we then compost. Very slick service. In addition we can take care of your shore line as well. Many situations require a permit through the DNR and we can help with that process.



Continued Growth

2017 was a great year here at Warner’s where we focused on maintaining and providing the best service possible for our customers. We brought on multiple new managers in order to maintain the level of quality and customer service Warner’s is known for while keeping up with our consistent growth over the last 20 years. The newly added Lake Weed Harvesting and Pest Control Services have been very successful and we look forward to progressing and growing those divisions of the company. We are excited for the upcoming season and look forward to another great year of maintenance on your property!


Surprising Spring

This year got off to a unique start by ending our snow removal season with a 14″ snow event in the second week of April! Two weeks later we were already starting spring services. With a group of great staff and amazing customers, we were able to sign everyone up who requested our services and had another successful year of quality service.


Record Breaking Snow

Once again we start the year off with heavy snow. Actually record breaking snow in month of February. Lucky for us most of our contracts are per time or per hour, so we enjoyed the white stuff! Season started late again with our mowers not getting on yards until May. 2019 proved to be the saddest year for owner Ryan Warner. On August 22, Ryan’s dad Art Warner lost his battle with Pancreatic Cancer. Art was 71. Ryan learned what hard work was all about from his dad. At the young age of 8, Ryan was cutting trees at their family farm for firewood. Ryan’s dad taught him how to mow lawns, run an aerator, power rake, shrub trim and many other basic maintenance services. By the age of 12, you could see Ryan pushing the family “Lawn Boy” lawn mower around the block mowing yards. Being the sole owner, Ryan relied on his dad for business decisions. Art came up with the idea of changing Warner’s Lawn Care to Warner’s Outdoor Solutions to better represent all of the services we offer. Art also, agreed to making the change from white trucks to yellow for branding. After his dad passed, Ryan still talks to Art on the way to and from work for business decisions. Although Ryan’s dad is no longer on earth, his presence is felt everyday!



We all experienced new situations and circumstances in 2020 with the COVID-19 virus that shut down many businesses for a short period of time. We were grateful for the customers that stuck with us and for the new ones that gave us their business during these troubling times. The year ended with a feature in NPR news about families staying in and transforming their backyards into ice rinks. Thank you to all of our customers and employees who supported Warners Outdoor Solutions.


Community Support

We are grateful to have had the opportunity to sponsor and show support to our local community again with some events back in action in 2021. Warner’s Outdoor Solutions was able to show sponsorship to the Woodbury Parks & Recreation, Woodbury Days 2021, and to the Woodbury Lions Club MN at Eagle Valley Golf Club. For our customers, we added the ability to request instant pricing online for our lawn care, fertilization, sprinkler start-up and blowouts, and snow removal services for ease and convenience. In 2022 we will continue to support our local community and bring new solutions for all your outdoor needs. Together we can build and maintain a beautiful Minnesota.



In 2022 we continued providing expert lawn care services as we were awarded the 2022 Angi Super Service Award. With inflation rates soaring, we had to implement a price increase for many of our services. Another challenge we faced was a long, drawn-out drought season that took its toll on many lawns. By providing top tier irrigation services we saw most yards return to a healthy state by the end of the season. We are very grateful for our customers, current and new! Thank you to all our employees for a great year.


New Package

After making it through a record-breaking snowfall season, we released our new Quarterly Pest Control Package. By adding 6 new trucks to our fleet, we will be servicing more customers this year than ever before. Our team is looking forward to providing high quality service for all our customers.


Commercial Service Area

Warner’s Outdoor Solutions has a rich history of growth and innovation, serving both residential and commercial clients. In 2024, Warner’s took a significant step by expanding its commercial service area beyond Minnesota, adding accounts in Wisconsin and Iowa. This milestone highlights our continued dedication to providing high-quality landscaping and outdoor services across the Midwest.

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